Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Learning a few more expressions

Weeks 4-6 were pretty great for the other humans in Devin's life. He might not have noticed that much had changed, but the fact that he started showing off a huge, gummy smile with the slightest provocation absolutely delighted the rest of us.

Snow flurries in May

The theme of Eva's ballet recital this year was "Seasons". Guess which season Eva's class was playing? It wasn't spring! (Okay, so maybe it's not *that* uncommon to get snow in the spring here in Boston, but we like to pretend otherwise.)

Exploring Boston with Grammy and Poppy

We managed to fit in some pretty good times around our first few weeks of Devin's life. While Grammy and Poppy were visiting we fit in a trip to Rockport, two walks through the Boston Public Garden (allowing us to real-time experience the rapid explosion of spring!), the Boston Marathon - which was unexpectedly eventful, unfortunately - and a Red Sox game. Go Sox!

Girly time with Grandma

Next up was a visit from Grandma, and some of Eva's favorite activities: shopping, pedicures, and more fun activities, including visiting the Boston Children's Museum, stepping back into the 1600s at Plimoth Plantation, and again visiting the Public Garden, this time in full bloom.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Man of many expressions

Though Devin hasn't yet mastered the smile, he does have quite the expressive face. Here are a few from his one-week birthday...